
Assessment of two agroecological practices to enhance biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services of birds and bats in vineyards

Fondecyt-Iniciación. 2020-2023. Principal Investigator


Agroecological technology transfer for dryland water management

FIC. Región de O’Higgins. Universidad de Chile. 2021-2023. Collaborator.


Updating the food-based dietary guidelines (GABAS) for the Chilean population

INTA, Universidad de Chile. 2021. Collaborator.


Increasing competitiveness of Chimbarongo wicker

FIC. Región de O’Higgins. Universidad de Chile. 2020-2022. Collaborator.


Sustainable farming in the Caatinga

Newton-Picarte. Pontificia Universidad Católica. 2018-2022. Postdoc / Collaborador.



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